Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hey all you Super Awesome Warrior Chatters!
Here is some information about what happened on the original blog so that you can play on Super Awesome Warrior Chatters II!

So, pretty much, there are four main Clans and two rogue Clans in the forest at the moment. The four main ones are ForestClan, FieldClan, ShadeClan, and IceClan.  The two rogues are RavenClan and ScarClan. You can read more about these on Super Awesome Warrior Chatters or Super Awesome Warrior Chatters II.

At the moment, a very fierce battle between the Clans and an "anti-Clan" called the Elite has just finished, with the Clans getting a hard earned victory. Most of the camps have been torn apart, kits have been left fatherless, and over all the Clans have a lot less warriors than they used to. Now, some of the Clans fought for the Elite, and they need to be punished somehow. Those Clans were ShadeClan, IceClan, RavenClan, and ScarClan. There will soon be a Gathering where their fate will be decided. However, FieldClan, ForestClan, and the rogues and kittypets fought for the freedom of the Clans.

During the moons leading up to the battle, a lot of other stuff happened as well. A very bad leader named Deathstar took over ForestClan, so Sealheart, their medicine cat, stole some of the kits and brought them to FieldClan. She was then exciled and went to the Elite, where she had three kits, Firekit, Riverkit, and Wishkit (remember their names). Deathstar was prepared to fight FieldClan and Spottedstar, the leader, for the stolen kits, but during a Gathering, Spottedstar suggests that they can have the kits back as long as they can keep one, a young tom named Moonpaw. There was a prophecy made that Moonpaw would one day be the greatest leader FieldClan had ever seen, and Spottedstar did not want to give him up. Deathstar became good again and changed his name to Harestar, as he used to be called Hareleap. He accepted Spottedstar's offer and that issue was resolved until...

Enter the Elite, an anti-Clan intent on destroying all of the Clans. Led by Karkat, they have been preparing for battle for a long time, and have been attending Gatherings in secret in order to determine the best time to attack.

During one particular Gathering, where almost all of the warriors and older apprentices were there. FieldClan put their warriors all around the perimeter, but ShadeClan and IceClan kept to themselves, proving that they were traitors to the the Clans. Three ScarClan apprentices showed up along with Legend, who betrayed the Elite. They ran off towards Star Cave to find ForestClan's medicine cat. More about that exchange in a little bit.

Spottedstar warns any traitors that they will be killed as if they were the Elite if they fought against the Clans, and Froststar, leader of IceClan, and Cloudystar, leader of ShadeClan, are revealed to be plotting against the Clans. As a side note, Froststar isn't actually a true leader. He is evil and trying to take over the Clans. He doesn't even have nine lives like a leader. Watch out for him in the future.

Heatherflower, FieldClan's medicine cat runs in saying she had received a prophecy from MoonClan. To quote her, "Ice and shadows will meet their doom, save Fire, Wish, River, and Moon, a frozen grip will reach them all, and forest and field will break the fall." Not an extremely subtle prophecy, pretty much saying that four new leaders will rebuild the Clans after IceClan and ShadeClan betray them. She then goes on to explain that another prophecy was made a while ago about the Fire, River and Wish. This one says, "Three will come, three of your kin. The Fire, the River and the Wish will save you." It was given by Goldstar to Russetfeather and Deathstar in a dream. A little while later, Sealheart brought her kits to ForestClan, and it it is determined that they are the kits of the prophecy and will grow to be three of the four leaders. Moonpaw has already been destined to become another great leader, so they are the four.

After a bit of bickering, Legend comes forward and says that he heard that RavenClan was joining the Elite, and Sparrowwing, a ShadeClan warrior who is another really long story, says that ScarClan is joining the Elite as well.

The battle rages for a while, but eventually the Clans win. And now here we are at Super Awesome Warrior Chatters II! If you would like to learn more about certain things, like Sparrowwing's connection to ScarClan, Froststar's treachery, the kit dispute, the Elite battle, or anything else in the past, go to to read about any gaps and over all get a better sense of the history between the Clans as well as get more background for Super Awesome Warrior Chatters II. Have fun, and keep Chatting!


  1. One really quick thing that doesn't matter. Legend is female. I named her after my kitty who died...

  2. I miss Goldstar…she was a good leader.
